Maison Jean-François Thurot
Great Wines from Burgundy 21190 Meursault - France

Welcome to the Jean – François Thurot website

established in Meursault (Burgundy). Winemakers since 1862.

You are here in the domain of great wines for wine lovers.

Some of our wines, such as Richebourg, Romanée-Saint -Vivant, Échézeaux, Grands-Échézeaux, Chevalier Montrachet and Montrachet are today very difficult to find, and they are reserved to our most loyal customers since many years.


Certain of our prestigious appellations have exceeded all price expectations. What is it that ,

You are here at the Louvre, and these are cultural moments around the vineyard and its language.

We never compromise our quality, we produce a range of white and red wines that have no match around the wold ( for wine lovers and those to be).

We invite, on appoitment only, our faithful clientele and their friends to taste our wines at the domain and travel back in time, where some bottles ( 1911, 1945 and 1959) reflect a certain beauty, living proof of our past and future quality, such as the very promising 2009,2013 and 2015.